APPENDIX A -- GENERAL INFORMATION OTHER MATTERS AND FUTURE DIRECTIONS Again, WinNAV is "Development-Ware" and is still evolving. Gen- erally, no hidden features are implemented by registration that are unimplemented in a current unregistered release, although upon registration you may disable the display of the opening or exit screens (which, obviously, is a plea to support this appli- cation by registration should you decide to use it, but hopefully aren't as demanding or obtrusive as some other popular Windows applications which even contain third-party advertisements). Other future releases, it is hoped, will gradually reduce Win- NAV's reliance on external DOS applications and utilities such as XCopy, and certainly file and directory move and other file management features will be added. Other features, which have not yet been suggested or even thought of, will certainly find their way into the Windows environment and WinNAV itself, provided the interest and support of each of WinNAV's users continues. BUG REPORTS AND COMMENTS Comments, bug reports and suggestions for future versions of FlashPoint Development applications are always welcome, from both registered and non-registered users; please forward same by mail to: FlashPoint Development Attn: Richard S. Patterson P. O. Box 270492 Houston, Texas 77277 U.S.A. CompuServe E-Mail: 70771,1336 Appendix A-1